Friday, March 11, 2011

What's On Marc Andre Fleury's Helmet

Press Journal

Change Salsomaggiore go alone

formalized the creation of the Civic Party, who will run with its own candidate for Mayor

The decision, taken by the group during the recent coordination, is the result of a shared and unusual in the traditional parties, because it respects the opinions and points of view not only of who is part of the coordination in the strict sense, but also of many people who have brought ideas and contributions to develop our program. We are aware that competing in the elections outside the two major factions is more difficult, but we believe that the way for change must go through decisions like this. Salsomaggiore change is based on a strong push for the renewal of ideas, in politics and administration.
Salsomaggiore Terme is an amazing city, is the our city and has the potential to recover from the crisis that is going through;
to carry out this renewal are dynamic ideas and people capable and willing to are extraneous to the lobby or to the different interest groups.
Our movement will form a list and compete in elections with its own candidate for Mayor, which will be formalized in the coming days. Our group is still open to discussion with other lists, in particular house-style, which are recognized in our program, or have the will to reason together on various issues. Salsomaggiore change could be a "catalyst" around which to group ideas, people and movements interested really lift our city, with so much dedication and love for Salsa.
Our candidate for mayor, and his team will be responsible to lead and implement the innovative program of the movement, which is always evolving and freely available at .
More than 100 people who have made contributions of ideas and projects, the 500 members of the Facebook page and daily contact, they are surely a sign Change of interest in Salsomaggiore. We will try to reciprocate the trust honestly and courageously pursuing the proposals for the city.


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