Saturday, March 5, 2011

Does Venetian Suites Have Jacuzzi Jet

Beginners: Cassano 43 - 22 Tradate

Saturday, March 5
Victory against betrayal of our children with an abnormal performance. First quarter non-beautiful, with so many errors, according to recovery "Machi" in sniper version. In the third and fourth show the guys finally play with more security and more ease, scoring at a rotation everybody. Just as well, having no day at the shooting of our regular "gunners", however "present" in the game as usual.
I would say that everyone is ....... earned the pizza!

partial: 11.4 / 15.4 / 10.2 / 14.5 final: 43-22

group mothers and aunts
"North curve" Cassano
; present today!


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