The work of the new Mayor
Salsomaggiore A lot of lists are growing for the next elections in May and the competition promises to be very wide. Of all, however, only two subjects (including Change Salsomaggiore) presented a program of government with ideas for the city and this, two months before the vote, is a clear indication of the uncertainty in the city.
But what will face the future mayor? What will be his first steps?
First, essential thing, the appointment of team: with the new law there will be fewer Councillors Municipal Councillors and thus less (from 7 step 5), then the choice of the persons and proxies must be made with great care.
We believe that the names be chosen that have proven experience in that field, in order to make faster and more profitable work in the administration. Should be reviewed current consolidations of proxies, and in light of new regulations and the Councillors to make operational and efficient. They will be asked for an almost total commitment in terms of work, because Salty's need for qualified administrators and available.
In the first 6 months in office the Mayor will not be able to implement major changes, having to act on a budget done by others. In most elections arrive at the gates of the summer and you are likely to have good operational only in the year. This time, however, may be the important time to make the first big step, perhaps less visible but essential: the change in the administrative machinery and a small revolution in micro and macro structure of the Municipality. Without this necessary revision becomes difficult if not impossible, to implement new projects and restart Salso. We need dynamism and efficiency would be achieved through an internal restructuring of offices, since the managerial positions.
The first 6 months of administration must be dedicated to this task, as well as a set work for the electoral mandate. No one, therefore, expect miracles and do not believe those promises to deliver major projects from day one. We must be realistic and to work methodically, just like this sauce can recover and make a journey of profound renewal.
One step after another, with courage and innovation, to the city of the future.
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