The ideal candidate Mayor Dai programs
What should be the characteristics of an ideal candidate for mayor Salsomaggiore? We try to put down some proposals:
A good mayor should first be a good citizen and to remember that, once elected, will represent the entire community. Must know how to listen and gather all the needs that arise from the people, to realize. Must be an honest person, with spotless criminal record and no case pending.
A good mayor should have operational capacity but do not have to be a "manager" means the task of the politician is to listen to the proposals techniques and make a summary, choosing the best solution for the community. We need a good dose of humility, accepting the fact that Salsa is a very difficult situation and that the problems can not be solved in an instant overnight.
ideas are needed and especially the desire to experiment, to innovate, to go outside the box: our city needs to do to take care that the new routes, with the courage that every good manager should have.
A good mayor should respect the program voted by the voters and work to make real proposals and projects. Must know how to make important and sometimes difficult choices, following the road and promise without necessarily having to say "Yes" to all. For the good administration are also "no", well motivated, and it is important to work hard in the direction taken, without the fear of not being reelected or losing support. The pact with the voters is paramount and is the basis of a valid administrator, which must go boldly into new directions and toward innovative projects.
A good mayor should be surrounded by a strong team, free of lobby and interest groups, is ready to make a total commitment of administrative procedure. The same can not be a first citizen Mayor "part time": Salsa is not a small village, where just a few hours a day for the institutional activities. For our city need a full-time commitment and complete dedication from office, is the only way to hope for a better future.
A good mayor should also have a minimum of apparatus municipal experience and a thorough understanding of the principles governing public administration. Without the necessary skills, the first citizen is likely to always be "hostage" of the various technical, officers and directors, and was therefore lacking the necessary capacity to govern in an innovative and authoritative.
The mayor must also be a person open, cheerful, inspiring trust, a person can vote Essendon proud and not because you have to "turarti the nose."
And, finally, a good mayor must love and Salty be deeply proud, because it is this that comes from the commitment to put at your disposal every day of the whole community.
And you, what do you think?
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