Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Get Beautifly In Emerald

Miss Italy? We propose the Month of September Salses and Health

Miss Italy, what alternatives?

The formalization of the break between consensual and Salty Miss Italy had long been in the air. The doubts of most of Salsomaggiore, eager to try to change course (and aware that the cost-effectiveness of the popular contest was no longer sustainable), were added to the difficulties due to budget cuts the government.
The situation now is very difficult. A few months ago, the movement changed Salsomaggiore, we had imagined possible alternatives to Miss Italy, assuming the same ideas and projects with total cost of the manifestation of beauty. He could have create a season long, about 20-30 thousand committed € initiatives call for a week of important cities of the children, sports courts, congress, concerts, great literary and cultural events, theater, the month dedicated to singles, the city's well-being, and more. The
€ 600,000 cut by the government last summer operation, which went to weigh down the budget already weighed down by other lower income, no longer forced to Miss Italy nor the money to build strong alternatives.
But we must not despair, I give up. It 's time to really do a "reset" and to restructure the tourism offer of our city, that has to take other directions. It 'requires a commitment the whole community, including those who do not work closely with tourism, because if Salty can suffer suffers the whole fabric of society, including essential services to citizens.
Working together is necessary to identify two objectives: the first is the tourist season around the corner, creating an alternative that would just offset the fall in attendance and visibility for the period September-October (due to the absence of Miss). Need a strategic plan that attracts tourism and make pleasant the stay of those who still choose Salso for their holidays and cures.
We propose the "September Salses", the Month of Health. A period devoted to major issues in the city lives: spa, wellness, quality of life, relaxation, nature and culture. A month (or more) in which to bring out the great potential of Salsomaggiore, characterized by initiatives in the direction of health and the "feel good". E 'need to take our strengths and put them together and co-ordinated to provide a unique tourism product and great value. Everything will be themed markets natural products, organic food and zero km, conventions and initiatives on various issues of prevention and medicine, care of the body and mind, open gyms for sports (with the local associations take to the streets to bring their activities), gastronomic tours of the Hotel and with the collaboration of local producers, and more. Moreover Spa, with care and wellness, alternative medicine, demonstrations, guided tours to discover the beauty of the area. Essential to the success of the project, the cooperation of all associations of the city and a strong marketing campaign, promoted in particular with the use of new media. The collaboration of the Province and the Region on a project of this type is essential not only necessary to make "network" and turn on external funding and sponsorship.
The second objective must be long term, with a programming next 5-10 years and a complete re setup tourist sauce. The creation of "micro issues seasons is one of the strengths of our program can bring new targets and characterize the city in a manner different from the traditional spa (which must still play its essential part). To set up a true renewal is a profound restructuring of both the budget of the agency (which must be a "reset" and be revised) and the administrative machinery (macro municipal structure). These processes, binding and not immediate, but certainly essential for the new salsa classes, looking to the future and not the past.
Salsomaggiore change is proposed to carry out these innovations in a practical and shared. We have ideas and projects, we ask you support to carry them out.


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