Results matches 14 to 20 March
Olimpia Bust 4 - 41 Cassanese
Carbonate 11 - 13
Department Cassanese our children, who win their first game!
Cassanese 59 - Carbonate 51
Good game! We saw two good teams in the field, who played a good basketball, with a proper defense and a passing attack that has preferred to play more free rather than individual action. An intense match, fought and mostly correct. A round of applause for all 24 boys and girls!
Speaking of ours, you is seen from the stands a greater "presence" of all such DaniP always off guard with some otttimi shots NicoG baskets with defense and searched, DaniB race and pressing relentlessly, Luke and Libi (do not you get whistled for fouls, it happens!), Mirko Lore and everywhere with the usual endless determination, the attention of all in step (a few balls "lost"), in short, good at all ..... force, continue to play team!
: 16-14 / 13-14 / 18-12 / 12-11 59-51
final notice: the game is on Sunday 27 rookies been postponed to Monday, 28. Details to follow on schedule, meeting and workout Monday squirrels and eagles.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
What R Some Superstitions
Note Changing Salsomaggiore
With the help of our chart we are going to inaugurate Mr. logo Change Salsomaggiore, which will be used as a marker in the next election. The word to the community: between those who prefer?
Friday, March 18, 2011
What Is The Klonopin Expiration Date
Matteo Orlandi is a candidate for mayor Change Salsomaggiore
Change Salsomaggiore The civic movement takes another step forward and officially Matteo Orlandi's candidacy for the office of Mayor for the local elections of May 15 to 16 .
E 'in preparing the list of names of candidates for City Council, which will be partly made up of members from other people interested in coordination to support this project. If you want to help take forward the ideas of the program through a new way of doing politics and opened the doors are open. You can contact us at the address on the site: mail - tel: 347/8787966.
Change Salsomaggiore The civic movement takes another step forward and officially Matteo Orlandi's candidacy for the office of Mayor for the local elections of May 15 to 16 .
E 'in preparing the list of names of candidates for City Council, which will be partly made up of members from other people interested in coordination to support this project. If you want to help take forward the ideas of the program through a new way of doing politics and opened the doors are open. You can contact us at the address on the site: mail - tel: 347/8787966.
Steak Restaurant Cut Your Tie Off
dinner self
Coordination of Salsomaggiore Change is organizing a dinner Tuesday, March 22 self-financing to cover the expenses of the next election campaign. They invited friends, supporters and curious, and all citizens who want to help with this important project. The dinner will be held
Devil's Den at the Via Patriots, at 21, having a maximum of 30 people. The cost is 30 €.
It 'important to book early, you can contact us at or at: 347/3029677 (Andrea)
Spread the word to everyone, thank you!
Coordination of Salsomaggiore Change is organizing a dinner Tuesday, March 22 self-financing to cover the expenses of the next election campaign. They invited friends, supporters and curious, and all citizens who want to help with this important project. The dinner will be held
Devil's Den at the Via Patriots, at 21, having a maximum of 30 people. The cost is 30 €.
It 'important to book early, you can contact us at or at: 347/3029677 (Andrea)
Spread the word to everyone, thank you!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Webcam Nx 64 Bit Drivers
March 17, 2011: 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy
"As announced, the MB339's aerobatic team flew over Rome and the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano paid tribute at the Altar of Patria.Le Tricolour Arrows have long drawn a flag, anthem to the tune of Mameli. "
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
How To Get Beautifly In Emerald
Miss Italy? We propose the Month of September Salses and Health
Miss Italy, what alternatives?
The formalization of the break between consensual and Salty Miss Italy had long been in the air. The doubts of most of Salsomaggiore, eager to try to change course (and aware that the cost-effectiveness of the popular contest was no longer sustainable), were added to the difficulties due to budget cuts the government.
The situation now is very difficult. A few months ago, the movement changed Salsomaggiore, we had imagined possible alternatives to Miss Italy, assuming the same ideas and projects with total cost of the manifestation of beauty. He could have create a season long, about 20-30 thousand committed € initiatives call for a week of important cities of the children, sports courts, congress, concerts, great literary and cultural events, theater, the month dedicated to singles, the city's well-being, and more. The
€ 600,000 cut by the government last summer operation, which went to weigh down the budget already weighed down by other lower income, no longer forced to Miss Italy nor the money to build strong alternatives.
But we must not despair, I give up. It 's time to really do a "reset" and to restructure the tourism offer of our city, that has to take other directions. It 'requires a commitment the whole community, including those who do not work closely with tourism, because if Salty can suffer suffers the whole fabric of society, including essential services to citizens.
Working together is necessary to identify two objectives: the first is the tourist season around the corner, creating an alternative that would just offset the fall in attendance and visibility for the period September-October (due to the absence of Miss). Need a strategic plan that attracts tourism and make pleasant the stay of those who still choose Salso for their holidays and cures.
We propose the "September Salses", the Month of Health. A period devoted to major issues in the city lives: spa, wellness, quality of life, relaxation, nature and culture. A month (or more) in which to bring out the great potential of Salsomaggiore, characterized by initiatives in the direction of health and the "feel good". E 'need to take our strengths and put them together and co-ordinated to provide a unique tourism product and great value. Everything will be themed markets natural products, organic food and zero km, conventions and initiatives on various issues of prevention and medicine, care of the body and mind, open gyms for sports (with the local associations take to the streets to bring their activities), gastronomic tours of the Hotel and with the collaboration of local producers, and more. Moreover Spa, with care and wellness, alternative medicine, demonstrations, guided tours to discover the beauty of the area. Essential to the success of the project, the cooperation of all associations of the city and a strong marketing campaign, promoted in particular with the use of new media. The collaboration of the Province and the Region on a project of this type is essential not only necessary to make "network" and turn on external funding and sponsorship.
The second objective must be long term, with a programming next 5-10 years and a complete re setup tourist sauce. The creation of "micro issues seasons is one of the strengths of our program can bring new targets and characterize the city in a manner different from the traditional spa (which must still play its essential part). To set up a true renewal is a profound restructuring of both the budget of the agency (which must be a "reset" and be revised) and the administrative machinery (macro municipal structure). These processes, binding and not immediate, but certainly essential for the new salsa classes, looking to the future and not the past.
Salsomaggiore change is proposed to carry out these innovations in a practical and shared. We have ideas and projects, we ask you support to carry them out.
Monday, March 14, 2011
How To Perform A Non Religious Wedding
Virtually Adolescents info
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 20:45, Oratorio S. Carlo, meeting theme
"Youth Sports: expectations, the role, responsibilities of parents"
Warts Fingers To On Lips
2011 hours March 16-17-18
Wednesday 16: unique workout for squirrels / eagles
; time 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Thursday gym Fermi
unification of Italy 17 Day: no school and no training!
Friday 18: the usual time confirmed
Wednesday 16: unique workout for squirrels / eagles
; time 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Thursday gym Fermi
unification of Italy 17 Day: no school and no training!
Friday 18: the usual time confirmed
Pocono Prom Rental Homes
The work of the new Mayor
Salsomaggiore A lot of lists are growing for the next elections in May and the competition promises to be very wide. Of all, however, only two subjects (including Change Salsomaggiore) presented a program of government with ideas for the city and this, two months before the vote, is a clear indication of the uncertainty in the city.
But what will face the future mayor? What will be his first steps?
First, essential thing, the appointment of team: with the new law there will be fewer Councillors Municipal Councillors and thus less (from 7 step 5), then the choice of the persons and proxies must be made with great care.
We believe that the names be chosen that have proven experience in that field, in order to make faster and more profitable work in the administration. Should be reviewed current consolidations of proxies, and in light of new regulations and the Councillors to make operational and efficient. They will be asked for an almost total commitment in terms of work, because Salty's need for qualified administrators and available.
In the first 6 months in office the Mayor will not be able to implement major changes, having to act on a budget done by others. In most elections arrive at the gates of the summer and you are likely to have good operational only in the year. This time, however, may be the important time to make the first big step, perhaps less visible but essential: the change in the administrative machinery and a small revolution in micro and macro structure of the Municipality. Without this necessary revision becomes difficult if not impossible, to implement new projects and restart Salso. We need dynamism and efficiency would be achieved through an internal restructuring of offices, since the managerial positions.
The first 6 months of administration must be dedicated to this task, as well as a set work for the electoral mandate. No one, therefore, expect miracles and do not believe those promises to deliver major projects from day one. We must be realistic and to work methodically, just like this sauce can recover and make a journey of profound renewal.
One step after another, with courage and innovation, to the city of the future.
Salsomaggiore A lot of lists are growing for the next elections in May and the competition promises to be very wide. Of all, however, only two subjects (including Change Salsomaggiore) presented a program of government with ideas for the city and this, two months before the vote, is a clear indication of the uncertainty in the city.
But what will face the future mayor? What will be his first steps?
First, essential thing, the appointment of team: with the new law there will be fewer Councillors Municipal Councillors and thus less (from 7 step 5), then the choice of the persons and proxies must be made with great care.
We believe that the names be chosen that have proven experience in that field, in order to make faster and more profitable work in the administration. Should be reviewed current consolidations of proxies, and in light of new regulations and the Councillors to make operational and efficient. They will be asked for an almost total commitment in terms of work, because Salty's need for qualified administrators and available.
In the first 6 months in office the Mayor will not be able to implement major changes, having to act on a budget done by others. In most elections arrive at the gates of the summer and you are likely to have good operational only in the year. This time, however, may be the important time to make the first big step, perhaps less visible but essential: the change in the administrative machinery and a small revolution in micro and macro structure of the Municipality. Without this necessary revision becomes difficult if not impossible, to implement new projects and restart Salso. We need dynamism and efficiency would be achieved through an internal restructuring of offices, since the managerial positions.
The first 6 months of administration must be dedicated to this task, as well as a set work for the electoral mandate. No one, therefore, expect miracles and do not believe those promises to deliver major projects from day one. We must be realistic and to work methodically, just like this sauce can recover and make a journey of profound renewal.
One step after another, with courage and innovation, to the city of the future.
Friday, March 11, 2011
What's On Marc Andre Fleury's Helmet
Press Journal
Change Salsomaggiore go alone
formalized the creation of the Civic Party, who will run with its own candidate for Mayor
The decision, taken by the group during the recent coordination, is the result of a shared and unusual in the traditional parties, because it respects the opinions and points of view not only of who is part of the coordination in the strict sense, but also of many people who have brought ideas and contributions to develop our program. We are aware that competing in the elections outside the two major factions is more difficult, but we believe that the way for change must go through decisions like this. Salsomaggiore change is based on a strong push for the renewal of ideas, in politics and administration.
Salsomaggiore Terme is an amazing city, is the our city and has the potential to recover from the crisis that is going through;
to carry out this renewal are dynamic ideas and people capable and willing to are extraneous to the lobby or to the different interest groups.
Our movement will form a list and compete in elections with its own candidate for Mayor, which will be formalized in the coming days. Our group is still open to discussion with other lists, in particular house-style, which are recognized in our program, or have the will to reason together on various issues. Salsomaggiore change could be a "catalyst" around which to group ideas, people and movements interested really lift our city, with so much dedication and love for Salsa.
Our candidate for mayor, and his team will be responsible to lead and implement the innovative program of the movement, which is always evolving and freely available at .
More than 100 people who have made contributions of ideas and projects, the 500 members of the Facebook page and daily contact, they are surely a sign Change of interest in Salsomaggiore. We will try to reciprocate the trust honestly and courageously pursuing the proposals for the city.
Gall Bladder Styph Infection
we go!
Lord and Gentlemen .... Change Salsomaggiore down officially in the field.
Coordination of Wednesday evening decided that the movement will run autonomously, independent from political parties, with its own candidate for mayor. And 'the beginning of a small political and cultural revolution for sauces, we are ready to continue the program in which many of you have put ideas, projects, proposals.
's time to awaken from its torpor and Salsomaggiore bring many innovations, boosting our beautiful town.
We are ready and will serve everyone's help!
Find the official news in the local press today, will soon release a press release on this site.
Stay tuned and contact us if you want to share this exciting journey!
Lord and Gentlemen .... Change Salsomaggiore down officially in the field.
Coordination of Wednesday evening decided that the movement will run autonomously, independent from political parties, with its own candidate for mayor. And 'the beginning of a small political and cultural revolution for sauces, we are ready to continue the program in which many of you have put ideas, projects, proposals.
's time to awaken from its torpor and Salsomaggiore bring many innovations, boosting our beautiful town.
We are ready and will serve everyone's help!
Find the official news in the local press today, will soon release a press release on this site.
Stay tuned and contact us if you want to share this exciting journey!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
What Does The Discharge Look Like Before You
AAA: Wanted graphic
We're starting to work on the official logo of the civil list "Change Salsomaggiore. We already have the basics but need a good graphic designer who can help us. Someone is available? You can contact us our mail:
We're starting to work on the official logo of the civil list "Change Salsomaggiore. We already have the basics but need a good graphic designer who can help us. Someone is available? You can contact us our mail:
Heat Rash Vs. Sun Poisoning
training next week March 14 to 20
Wednesday, March 16 18.30 - Beginners
CMB Olimpia Busto A. - Cassano
gym via Ortigara, Sacconago.
Meeting at 17:45 FERMI
Saturday, March 19 15.30 - Squirrels
Carbonate - Cassano
gym Via S. Lucio, Lonate Ceppino
Meeting at FERMI 14.30
Sunday 20 March 10:30 am - Beginners
Cassano - Carbonate
ready to Maino 10.00
next game Eaglet March 26
Wednesday, March 16 18.30 - Beginners
CMB Olimpia Busto A. - Cassano
gym via Ortigara, Sacconago.
Meeting at 17:45 FERMI
Saturday, March 19 15.30 - Squirrels
Carbonate - Cassano
gym Via S. Lucio, Lonate Ceppino
Meeting at FERMI 14.30
Sunday 20 March 10:30 am - Beginners
Cassano - Carbonate
ready to Maino 10.00
next game Eaglet March 26
I Am In Need Of A Loan
NBA games - Ray Allen
We combine business with pleasure ..... English lesson and a lesson in shooting Ray Allen
(16 seasons in the NBA, more than 1000 games, an average of more than 20 points per game, 10-time All-Star, the first ever in the shooting of 3 , an NBA championship with the Celtics in 2008 ....), noted that movements in the game are the ones tested during the exercise.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Ganz Magneted Name For Frame
Symptoms Of A Slightly Enlarged Heart
: Cassano 14 - Saronno 10
Sunday, March 6
Good game
the eagles take a well deserved victory!
by excellent all!
Sunday, March 6
Good game
the eagles take a well deserved victory!
by excellent all!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Does Venetian Suites Have Jacuzzi Jet
Beginners: Cassano 43 - 22 Tradate
Saturday, March 5
Victory against betrayal of our children with an abnormal performance. First quarter non-beautiful, with so many errors, according to recovery "Machi" in sniper version. In the third and fourth show the guys finally play with more security and more ease, scoring at a rotation everybody. Just as well, having no day at the shooting of our regular "gunners", however "present" in the game as usual.
Victory against betrayal of our children with an abnormal performance. First quarter non-beautiful, with so many errors, according to recovery "Machi" in sniper version. In the third and fourth show the guys finally play with more security and more ease, scoring at a rotation everybody. Just as well, having no day at the shooting of our regular "gunners", however "present" in the game as usual.
I would say that everyone is ....... earned the pizza!
partial: 11.4 / 15.4 / 10.2 / 14.5 final: 43-22
group mothers and aunts
"North curve" Cassano
; present today!
How Much Do Desert Eagles Cost
The ideal candidate Mayor Dai programs
What should be the characteristics of an ideal candidate for mayor Salsomaggiore? We try to put down some proposals:
A good mayor should first be a good citizen and to remember that, once elected, will represent the entire community. Must know how to listen and gather all the needs that arise from the people, to realize. Must be an honest person, with spotless criminal record and no case pending.
A good mayor should have operational capacity but do not have to be a "manager" means the task of the politician is to listen to the proposals techniques and make a summary, choosing the best solution for the community. We need a good dose of humility, accepting the fact that Salsa is a very difficult situation and that the problems can not be solved in an instant overnight.
ideas are needed and especially the desire to experiment, to innovate, to go outside the box: our city needs to do to take care that the new routes, with the courage that every good manager should have.
A good mayor should respect the program voted by the voters and work to make real proposals and projects. Must know how to make important and sometimes difficult choices, following the road and promise without necessarily having to say "Yes" to all. For the good administration are also "no", well motivated, and it is important to work hard in the direction taken, without the fear of not being reelected or losing support. The pact with the voters is paramount and is the basis of a valid administrator, which must go boldly into new directions and toward innovative projects.
A good mayor should be surrounded by a strong team, free of lobby and interest groups, is ready to make a total commitment of administrative procedure. The same can not be a first citizen Mayor "part time": Salsa is not a small village, where just a few hours a day for the institutional activities. For our city need a full-time commitment and complete dedication from office, is the only way to hope for a better future.
A good mayor should also have a minimum of apparatus municipal experience and a thorough understanding of the principles governing public administration. Without the necessary skills, the first citizen is likely to always be "hostage" of the various technical, officers and directors, and was therefore lacking the necessary capacity to govern in an innovative and authoritative.
The mayor must also be a person open, cheerful, inspiring trust, a person can vote Essendon proud and not because you have to "turarti the nose."
And, finally, a good mayor must love and Salty be deeply proud, because it is this that comes from the commitment to put at your disposal every day of the whole community.
And you, what do you think?
What should be the characteristics of an ideal candidate for mayor Salsomaggiore? We try to put down some proposals:
A good mayor should first be a good citizen and to remember that, once elected, will represent the entire community. Must know how to listen and gather all the needs that arise from the people, to realize. Must be an honest person, with spotless criminal record and no case pending.
A good mayor should have operational capacity but do not have to be a "manager" means the task of the politician is to listen to the proposals techniques and make a summary, choosing the best solution for the community. We need a good dose of humility, accepting the fact that Salsa is a very difficult situation and that the problems can not be solved in an instant overnight.
ideas are needed and especially the desire to experiment, to innovate, to go outside the box: our city needs to do to take care that the new routes, with the courage that every good manager should have.
A good mayor should respect the program voted by the voters and work to make real proposals and projects. Must know how to make important and sometimes difficult choices, following the road and promise without necessarily having to say "Yes" to all. For the good administration are also "no", well motivated, and it is important to work hard in the direction taken, without the fear of not being reelected or losing support. The pact with the voters is paramount and is the basis of a valid administrator, which must go boldly into new directions and toward innovative projects.
A good mayor should be surrounded by a strong team, free of lobby and interest groups, is ready to make a total commitment of administrative procedure. The same can not be a first citizen Mayor "part time": Salsa is not a small village, where just a few hours a day for the institutional activities. For our city need a full-time commitment and complete dedication from office, is the only way to hope for a better future.
A good mayor should also have a minimum of apparatus municipal experience and a thorough understanding of the principles governing public administration. Without the necessary skills, the first citizen is likely to always be "hostage" of the various technical, officers and directors, and was therefore lacking the necessary capacity to govern in an innovative and authoritative.
The mayor must also be a person open, cheerful, inspiring trust, a person can vote Essendon proud and not because you have to "turarti the nose."
And, finally, a good mayor must love and Salty be deeply proud, because it is this that comes from the commitment to put at your disposal every day of the whole community.
And you, what do you think?
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Thick Legs Blonde Hair
March 5 to 6 games and eagles
Saturday, March 5 15:00
Cassano vs Sportland Tradate - Beginners
ready to Maino 14.30. Sunday, March 6
Cassano vs Robur Saronno - Eaglet
ready to FERMI 10.00
Saturday, March 5 15:00
Cassano vs Sportland Tradate - Beginners
ready to Maino 14.30. Sunday, March 6
Cassano vs Robur Saronno - Eaglet
ready to FERMI 10.00
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Best Seats At The Bob Carr
projects: photovoltaics
We present one of the first insights of our program to change Salsomaggiore. It 's a way to pass the "guidelines" for more specific project, with as much information and detail, in order to highlight how the proposals of this movement are practical and achievable.
The study we are proposing today concerns the issue of photovoltaic energy.
The road of renewable energy should be a priority for the town of Salsomaggiore, both for the economic aspect of clean energy and because it binds strongly to the characteristics of the City Health and Wellness.
We present one of the first insights of our program to change Salsomaggiore. It 's a way to pass the "guidelines" for more specific project, with as much information and detail, in order to highlight how the proposals of this movement are practical and achievable.
The study we are proposing today concerns the issue of photovoltaic energy.
Knowing the local economic situation and the cuts that governments made to the budgets of public administrations, it is necessary to find resources, internal and external, for the implementation of our five-year program.
Surely the savings is one way to find resources through savings, in addition avoids the release of CO2 in the atmosphere (for the ideas proposed by our movement as a high priority).
In our program, we propose the installation of 1-2 larger plants on the property: it is essential to understand what may cost, what benefits can bring, where to find resources.
assume a standard installation to be installed on a school and the swimming pool. Let
that the power generator is 500 kWp, knowing that the average cost per kWp panels premium is approximately € 2,800, it follows that the investment cost is about € 1,400,000.
benefits in the face of such a large investment are high:
· The average production is estimated to be pariahs: 500 kWp * 1000 kWh / kWp = 500,000 kWh
· ; savings on consumption every year (what the municipality does not pay and can reinvest) is equal to: 50,000 €
• In 20 years the town will save approximately: 1.300.000 €
· The incentive Energy Bill (the one that gives us GSE because "no pollution") is a pariah: € 157,000
• In the municipality will collect about 20 years: 2.800.000 €
· The CO2 avoided entering the atmosphere each year is pariah: 380,000 k
· The investment is amortized in just 7 years.
The road of renewable energy should be a priority for the town of Salsomaggiore, both for the economic aspect of clean energy and because it binds strongly to the characteristics of the City Health and Wellness.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Interdental Toothbrushes
Beginners Beginners: Cassano 21 - 58 Castronno
We just the first quarter, then we can not tackle the more physical Castronno. Our "small" can not scratch the Reds, who are very reactive and pressing on defense. The score is a little heavy, but reflect the course of the race.
: 11-18 / 3-14 / 1-14 / 6-12 Final: 21-58
"..... or pretend or sign ....." what does it mean?
When a guy tries to make, and generously bigger guys try to tackle him in a fair, falling and taking blows strong enough one, two, three times not say "... or pretend or go out .. ., " but we made sure of the conditions of the boy! Why is still a mini-game! These phrases are never good when they come from the stands, but if you come off the bench are not acceptable. Incidentally, the third hit the boy came out and not returned.
may not pretending.
We just the first quarter, then we can not tackle the more physical Castronno. Our "small" can not scratch the Reds, who are very reactive and pressing on defense. The score is a little heavy, but reflect the course of the race.
: 11-18 / 3-14 / 1-14 / 6-12 Final: 21-58
"..... or pretend or sign ....." what does it mean?
When a guy tries to make, and generously bigger guys try to tackle him in a fair, falling and taking blows strong enough one, two, three times not say "... or pretend or go out .. ., " but we made sure of the conditions of the boy! Why is still a mini-game! These phrases are never good when they come from the stands, but if you come off the bench are not acceptable. Incidentally, the third hit the boy came out and not returned.
may not pretending.
What Makes Mont Blanc Pens So Valuable?
Group Meeting
E 'planned for this evening a meeting of Group 1 (tourism, business, events) coordination Change Salsomaggiore. Contact us at our e-mail ( for details.
E 'planned for this evening a meeting of Group 1 (tourism, business, events) coordination Change Salsomaggiore. Contact us at our e-mail ( for details.
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