Monday, February 28, 2011

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Squirrels: Tradate 18 - 6 Cassano

Sunday, February 27

onset of squirrels Fagnano, waiting for the first great game by all the boys (ni / ne).
Unfortunately, there is now strong Tradate happened, a bit ahead of us even having all of the squirrels '02, however it is important that everyone have fun!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Article 1 of the Gazzetta di Parma 27/02/2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Eaglet: Ardor Bust 16 - 8 Cassanese

The Ardor bust proves stronger, nothing to do for our eagles.
the next!

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The working groups of Technological Innovation and Change Salsomaggiore

In recent days, met the coordination of Salsomaggiore Change, a group composed of 20 persons and which is a sort of "voice" of the civic movement.
Next week will be the official decision on how this list will be presented in local elections in May. It seems increasingly probable that the list will take the field on their own, without complements other coalitions of parties. Change Salsomaggiore could stand as an innovative project open to aggregate other innovative training, to build a "civic center" of renewal.
Meanwhile the work of coordination are and tightened at the last meeting have been set up thematic working groups to study aspects of the program and make it more complete. The three working groups on "Development of the city", "Services to the city", "Personal Services", will gather on their own, then make the decisions and discussions in the plenary assembly.
We are proud of having a full-bodied, open and available to everyone, and that he saw the work (in terms of ideas, proposals, analysis) of nearly one hundred people. We immediately published on our website for maximum transparency and democracy. The next few days the new working groups (To which every citizen can participate willingly) will more specifically the various points, to identify concrete strategies for revitalizing the city and to build a new Salty. Coordination is a highly evolved form of participation, where everyone "has a" discussion and decisions are made together on every point. There are no bosses, secretaries, current decision from above is a modern form of democratic politics and completely, we think we should build on this for a new vision of the city and a new ruling class.
We are in effect the "breakers", not by chance that the group is made up almost entirely by people outside policy (with few exceptions) with many young people and a new generation that provides for sauces, with commitment and teamwork. We invite all citizens to join us in this journey of Salsomaggiore.
Also worthy of note that the Facebook page of Salsomaggiore Change has reached 400 members and is constantly growing, a sign of the attention that is leading this movement.

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Beginners: Let's see Cimberio Varese - Cremona Sunday, March 6 at 18:15

Following an initiative of some parents have the opportunity to lead the team to watch the game CIMBERIO VARESE - CREMONA of Sunday, March 6, beginning at 18:15
The conditions are favorable, since All students will have free admission, so brothers and sisters are welcome too small, while their parents enjoy the accompanying special price of 10 € (Galleria area).

Given the opportunity, you're all invited to participate! If any parent wants to involve only the son, I am sure we will find a place in the car as always! Coach Samu, of course you're one of us, right?

I absolutely need to know by Thursday, March 3 the exact number of participants, in order to confirm the number of tickets needed (you can also confirm by email). For the collection of money I will be attending Tuesday 1 to game 3 and Thursday after training.

Of course we will arrange to Maine for the machines, but we can talk at a pizzeria with comfortable!

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Pizzata Saturday, March 5 at 20:00

Hello, accessions rained, we are already to 41 .....

By Tuesday March 1 we need the exact number to book, so who is still undecided ...... Decide quickly!

The pizzeria is given by a parent Daisy in Via Garibaldi to Cassano.
menu pizza-beer-coffee € 10 adult or child.

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Beginners: And

Rank available ....

look at "beginners: Ranking"

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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ranking round game on Thursday February 24

news a few minutes ago (a 0-0 draw at the end of time): Tomorrow's match
Cassano-Busto CANCELLED. It will

training from 17.00 to ....18.30/19.00 prompting the coach tomorrow.

good second time!

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how new technologies can help Salsa? A reflection made by our program.

The company is undergoing a profound transformation, with technological innovation leading more and more in everyday life and in the tourism / economic.
sauce should be at the forefront if it is to point to raise, in identifying opportunities for new tools to offer better services and more efficient.
can identify two areas, often complementary

1) services to citizens. in this area is undergoing some form of innovation through significant projects. The City Card, for now applied exclusively to the school, will have a great future for the use of many opportunities locally. With very few resources you can expand the use of this tool to the various sports clubs, shops, various services, in order to have a single electronic card for multiple functions. The platform installed in 2010 lends itself perfectly to an expansion in the city. The installation of totem media and free wi-fi town, allow for access to many features on-line. To do this you can expand the possibilities of the common points, to simplify the management practices and to computerize more and more services. To improve connectivity and overcome local the digital divide should be extended to wi-fi network covering new areas of Salsomaggiore, at least in the historical center. Free Internet access is the basis for a modern and efficient city. E 'must also review the institutional sites of communication, starting to feel the weight of years and to have deficiencies related to the more modern forms of Web 2.0. Must continue the experience of e-democracy, which is performing well and has a chance to grow much in the future.

2) services to the tourist / visitor: addition to the aforementioned Wi-Fi networks, and multimedia totems of the possibilities offered by the City Card, you may provide other forms of innovation for the benefit of the local economy. E 'basic construction of a new tourist portal of the city, which allow real-time view of the availability of hotels and can book in real time. This web structure, present in many resorts, it is essential to keep pace with the new tourism market, which calls for transparency and speed in a booking. The promotional marketing
sauce has directed a lot towards the web, mainly focusing on foreign customers, who now uses mostly electronic instruments for the choice of places to stay.

Economy linked to new technologies is important for sauces, which could attract companies working in the field and are perfect for our location (the production of services and low environmental impact). Must be sought the cooperation of large companies to explore with, new forms of local economic opportunities related to the use of modern technology. For example, you might locate the catering establishments Salso as a reference point for the new techniques of molecular gastronomy and food in 3D printers.
great importance, then, must be given the open-source, with the City must move to free software and encourage its spread (following the example of other cities and provinces).

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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matches the end of February

There were still some changes in vision, following the updated program today.

Thursday February 24 17.15 - Beginners CANCELLED (see above)
Cassanese - CMB Bust
ready in the gym at 16:45 Maino

Saturday, February 26 15.00 - Eaglet
Busto - Cassano
Via Poma gym, meeting at 14.00 maino

Tuesday, March 1st at 17:15 - Beginners (recovery)
Cassanese - Castronno
ready in the gym at 16:45 Maino

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Eaglet Update: Cassano 8 - Lonate P. 16

February 22 Cassanese vs Lonate Pozzolo
Our eaglets are struggling in every quarter, but the Lonate proves stronger.
The next will be better! Force eagles!

Monday, February 21, 2011

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I believe I can fly!

Here's dunk with which Blake Griffin wins slam dunk contest 2011!

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Yes, They Can Fly!

back to videos related to basketball .....
who said that there are white jumpers in the NBA? Ask Blake Griffin, # 32, LA Clippers just won the NBA game of the crushed (see above!), You see in this video in good company!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Salso City Sports

Some suggestions taken from the Change program Salsomaggiore

As for culture, even the Salty has a relevance to sport and social tourism. Over the past thanks to some events such as rallies, camp, etc.., Local companies were able to breathe some breath of fresh air and to welcome customers outside the traditional thermal circuit.
The combination of water and Salty Tabiano with rehabilitation Sport can be an excellent growth engine for the new economies, putting projects with national appeal.
Sport is synonymous with health and wellness and the link with this sauce should be strong, merging with all that the city has to offer.
What are the target on which to focus? No doubt that the recovery for athletes and sports clubs, as well as specific areas for children (basketball, soccer, tennis, cheerleading, dance, etc.) and amateurs (running, cycling, hiking, etc.). Salsomaggiore change is already in contact with organizers of various fields to broaden the range and possibilities of living in the area. Thanks to the great availability hotel and the area that lends itself well to "live sports" are all the characteristics to produce specific projects.
E 'essential involvement of local potential, that of sportsmen Salsomaggiore known nationally and have great contacts for the promotion of the city. Salty has strong testimonial in the fields of athletics, cycling, football and many other disciplines should be programmed states of sport Salses general, in order to involve all these figures and the local societies, setting the stage for a development Total City Sports. Important will be the involvement of the Baths and the creation ad hoc opportunities in the field of sports rehabilitation, using existing structures and exploring the possibility of opening specific compartments. The Tourism Board will be involved in the preparation of packages and initiatives, supporting the municipal offices and private organizations.

structures: the structural framework for sport Salses is sufficient for local activity but not comprehensive enough to meet the needs of hospitality. With a few targeted investments can improve the supply of sites and premises in order to accommodate the various proposals successfully. Among the most important points are include: restructuring of the athletics track of the sports field, building a new gym (looking for the involvement of private entities for the construction and management), completion and finishing of the cycle and pedestrian paths in the area, through the creation of informative and appropriate posters. Other requirements may emerge during the General Assembly of the sport, taking into account the demands of a diverse society.
The creation of a new gym is important because existing facilities are already saturated with only the use of local sports clubs and schools.

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has nothing to do with basketball but David Van de Sfroos, one of the artists most loved by fans of Cimberio (and also by Cantù), is depopulated in Sanremo and is gaining increasing consensus around Italy. Yanez and his like fun to you ... this video of the San Remo!

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evening pizza?

Hello everyone, the game yesterday there was talk of organizing a pizza ..... Looking at the calendar
the next game, Saturday, March 5 will be played at 15:00 in Cassano. It seems to me then in the evening just for the pizza! What do you think?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Updated program

E 'was released the 2.0 update of the program Change of Salsomaggiore. Thanks to everyone who contributed and are continuing to do so, with ideas and proposals. This is not a point of arrival because the document is always open to new additions, you can send us your plans at any time, or your comments.
We ask everyone to help spread knowledge to make this new vision of the city, soon will also begin a phase of public actions and presence in the streets.
Happy reading!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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A small survey Change

on our Facebook page we've opened a small survey asking for suggestions / proposals on the future exchange rate policy Salsomaggiore.
Demand is as follows:

In the coming days the group of Coordinating Change Salsomaggiore will decide the fate of this movement in the upcoming elections. Do you think the choice is:
1) To present an independent list and its own candidate for mayor, run alone and carry a message of innovation and change
2) apparently tries with other lists and parties, supporting a candidate for Mayor proposed by one of the other groups and / or coalitions

Although the survey is very simple can be a useful tool to understand the ideas of those who are closely following the project changes Salsomaggiore. It could be an interesting tool for evaluation and discussion in the meeting of the coordination of Thursday, February 17.
For now it is open to all members of the Facebook page, which currently are more than 350. To join and vote you can go HERE .

Monday, February 14, 2011

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Salsomaggiore, the movement expands

grow the membership for the project Salsomaggiore Civic Change. In the coming days there will be a meeting of the Coordination Group to decide on important issues, including possible alliances and candidates for the elections in May.
Every day brings new entries to the Facebook page, which has reached 350 members, while constant contact with many concerned citizens to discuss projects and ideas for the city. a local site (see here) spoke of "revolution Salsa" referring to our movement and the assertion is wrong. Do we really want to bring new insights into how to design and administer the city, with a strong input of those who have an open mind and wants to restart Salso. It 'obvious that this innovation is found in young people (particularly 30-40s), but not all. They're coming supports and support from major stakeholders, who see a boost in Salsomaggiore Change only proactive and positive.
By the end of the week will be available on the latest version of the program, we are working on now for 6 months. He has received contributions of ideas from more than 100 people, either through direct contact with mail. It 'a real shared program, created by the bass, which imagines a new future for Salsa.
A quick start which phase of public initiatives and Salsomaggiore Change will be in the squares and streets of the city to spread the program and ideas. We invite all
Salsomaggiore interested in joining the movement and participate in building this major project for the future.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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Culture, events

A Salsomaggiore the theme of culture can not be detached from the tourism sector. Each proposed initiative in the city is also a source of entertainment for guests, enriching the offer for tourists and residents.
It 'important to divide the events into two groups: major events or festivals and initiatives to attract people and stay (18Eventi, meeting in Salsomaggiore, Festival Beat, Beatles Festival, Festival of the Environment, etc.) and children entertainment (theme nights, small concerts, etc.), dedicated to making your stay more pleasant in the city and to provide opportunities for cultural and entertainment for citizens and tourists. For the first
require significant resources, to be shared fairly and based on careful planning. With the scarcity of municipal budgets, suffering from cuts made in strong government, will not be easy to deploy all efforts (which could be realized and expand with the funds allocated to Miss Italy, no longer exist), but should nevertheless be put in working groups to plan events based on available resources. It 'should draw up an annual calendar on which to apply for funding to regions and provinces, as well as private individuals, so the supply of structural events of sauces.
In this context, is fully compatible with the programming of the New Theatre, which must continue to offer good quality and quantity of shows by including more action in the summer (with outdoor evening).
Small events, however, characterize the daily life of the city and are also important to offer moments of fun and entertainment to tourists (see chapter on the Economy and Development).
The involvement of local associations is essential to expand the cultural offerings and affect so not too heavy on the public purse. With careful planning it is possible to create an annual calendar that smear the various events all year long, trying to cover all days of the week with more and different proposals.
For outdoor activities is important to give a connotation to the "places" of the city, dividing areas in the sectors in which to propose the content, even under the zoning plan acoustics. For example, can be identified spaces for theater, dance, literature, music, for tasting, cinema, using the location already present in the various areas of the city (Piazza Berzieri Park Corazza, Gazebo, streets, squares and angles of districts). The connotation of different areas may identify different targets, depending on the offering or planned in microstagioni issues for different age requirements / target. The events must not be "messy" but they can follow a thread tied to local marketing that the city offers, going to make it even more attractive type of residence (example: theater and concerts for children in the period devoted to children, the events issues of environment, body and health in the period devoted to the welfare, etc...)
weekends sauce should go back to being alive and constantly attract visitors from across the province, offering interesting initiatives to match the beautiful environment and urban development. Following the model of European cities is important to have constant entertainment in the places of the city, offering a good time and always unique to all guests. No longer enough to the name of Salsomaggiore (and shops open on Sundays) to attract new visitors, even sporadic, is instead characterized in the right way by exploiting the great potential that the city owns. Termites can also do their part through the "Wellness in the Piazza" and letting people know the properties of water and its benefits in demonstrations and public events (combining massage, wellness products, etc.).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Meeting postponed to next week

Warning: Changing Salsomaggiore meeting scheduled for this evening, February 9, was postponed to next week. The new date is Thursday 'February 17 at 21, spread the word please.
For contact or information: tel: 347/8787966

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Orlandi, "revolution" Salsa

interview Massimiliano Franzoni, director of the Journal of Bicester ( ) and the design of the spa town of Salsomaggiore Change.

Matteo Orlandi is about a year and a half to school policy councilor of the town of Salsomaggiore. He has a history of militancy in the Green and is now launching arena the next administration with the civic project "Changing Salsomaggiore. This is a project that makes the bottom-up participation with the use of all the technological tools (social networks, e-democracy, internet, etc.) essential to its base. There are many points of similarity with the Mayor "scrap" in Florence, Matteo Renzi, Salsomaggiore, but is to be scrapped or just a facelift? The birth of the project
Change Salsomaggiore is just dedicated to a complete revolution in the way of thinking about policy and administration of the city. A facelift, now is no longer sufficient because sauces and suffering and the reasons are unknown. It 'a city who has lived too long lying on welfare and has not been able, over the past twenty years, to keep pace with the changing world of tourism. When INPS brought in the city being treated in an "automatic" was all easy, but that was the time when planning the future of the territory. It 'not a vision and a desire for renewal, and now we are paying the consequences. The politics of blame, but certainly can not be the only defendant: Many hotels and commercial activities remained the same as decades ago, many premises are unoccupied as the owners, despite the recession, continue to demand high rents and out of the market, the tissue Social very crumbled and consists of a myriad of people and groups who are struggling to communicate with each other. Each of the blame to another, without taking their responsibilities, and also who has done a good job, investing resources, you hear a white fly because the others are struggling to keep pace. That's why I really need to change Salsomaggiore start from scratch, putting the cards on the table in front of all citizens and involving the community towards a new future of sauces. The potential is there and all of this beauty with a territory that in addition to the Spa and its stunning waters, has great cultural heritage, a unique, excellent food and wine fine, you can really do so. Cities much smaller and less "treasures" have been able to reinvent itself and enable new forms of economy and tourism. The policy should take the lead, putting the whole of society around him, creating a strong network. We have proposals, ideas, projects and a group of Salsomaggiore, composed largely of young people, who really wants to restart the city. And we're optimistic because we love Salty.

Confusion reigns in the center left and especially in the Democratic Party. Ceriati sunk, apparently did not own the stuff, the Democratic Party committees to reintroduce the First Republic, the rest of the guide is the navigator Ernesto Cocconi, and rejects the primaries. All others are watching. Change Salsomaggiore but wants to place in this center-left?

I am a strong supporter of the primaries, although in the past to overcome (where made) were not always the strongest, but rather names the candidates fielded by the party's most influential and the most votes. Recently, however, are seen throughout Italy experience different: it has made a policy less tied to political parties and elections for the smartest people have prevailed, even though the top losers could appear on the paper. Where there is dialogue and democracy is never wrong, whatever the result is always a victory for politics and for the city. This is Changing the basic idea of \u200b\u200bSalsomaggiore and in fact next Wednesday will decide together which way to go. Is a 'group currently comprises 20 people, but growing, open to everyone, where everyone has one, and really where we discuss every move to be undertaken. For many politicians this long-running method is unusual and many still insist on asking: "Matteo Orlandi what will?". I will not decide, but the coordination of Change Salsomaggiore. It would be interesting to compare with the other parties by comparing the programs, but unfortunately there are still a few around, talking over the names of projects. We work for over 6 months on a public document, available for download by all our website

Matteo Orlandi, although very young, is not a new policy. Come and experience as commissioner of the judge? How do you judge the actions of this administration and the center-left in particular, that review did you get the mayor Massimo Tedeschi?
I did a little 'experience, it is true, particularly in administration, where the 9-year presidency of the Park Stirone helped me. But there is always something to learn and you should never stop playing this game, accepting new ideas and new challenges. These 14 months have been important Councillor because I have allowed Salty to know in more detail and get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe strengths and weaknesses of the city (and between them stands the administrative machinery that must be reviewed from the bottom if you want to change Salsomaggiore). I can not give votes to the current administration for making part would be how to judge himself, and it is not correct, nor objective. Will be the citizens to have their say in the coming May elections. I tried to do my best, asking achievable goals and to be implemented quickly, but with an eye to the future. The islands free wi-fi, the City Card for schools, the project e-democracy, the establishment of a new school, the creation of the City Council Boys, the various activities on equal opportunities, are some of the initiatives that I could work and I was fully operational. But I think that the mandate of the Committee and the Mayor should be judged by the context in which it resides. As I said, Salsa is a city very difficult and complicated, which is facing a crisis exacerbated by the local world. It 's a company town where the public has a certain role but if the individual fails to do its part the objectives become even more difficult. The duty, which will be the next mayor will be to make a profound transformation, breaking up the old logic and making a sort of "reset". Maybe it was lacking in recent years but it may be that there were still conditions, particularly in the popular will, to get back fully into play.

You are the developer of virtual surveys. Certainly the e-democracy is the future. Do not you think however that there may be risks in a virtual participation? You asked citizens to Salsomaggiore if I want to do without Miss Italy but have not proposed alternatives and the risk, apparently real, is that via the festival of beauty Salsomaggiore remain naked.
tool e-democracy has been important to its main objective: to encourage participation, the exchange of ideas, local democracy. The fact that you have chosen the way of open voting highlights this aspect. If we wanted to do only the surveys could be safely remain anonymous, but the goal was to invite Salsomaggiore to "put a face" like a public meeting. Of course, we're just getting started and the project must still grow, but it was an important first step. On the issue of Miss Italy it was a survey of popular will. It must be said, however, that e-democracy is an anchor for the Committee and the City Council, but does not replace the decision-making operations. With the project we Salsomaggiore Change tried to imagine different scenarios through a series of proposals to replace Miss Italy. With the resources allocated to the competition could do great events throughout the season: we assumed approximately € 80,000 per month, a respectable figure to put on festivals, conferences, events of national importance. I'm talking about the past, though, because with the wretched of the government cuts money for the event in all likelihood there will be even more and the problem takes on another dimension. Without Miss, and even without the funds to organize alternatives, the crisis threatens to worsen. And 'why should rethink the role of tourism Salty, pointing to new target and featuring the seasons according to specific themes that exploit the potential of salsa and country. We need to change, revise, rethink. And that's what we propose to change Salsomaggiore.

Massimiliano Franzoni

Friday, February 4, 2011

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Wednesday, February 9 the next meeting

few days, and just Wednesday, February 9 to 21, you will find a new Change of Salsomaggiore. It will be a very important meeting because the new Coordination Group (to which the accessions are always open) will need to speak about many things: which way the (political) to follow? Organize such meetings? How to structure the project / movement? It will also be ready the new version of the program and put in the yard meetings to do with the various associations / movements / interest groups. Save The Date
and write for more information or to join the Coordination!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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ideas for revitalizing: Salsa of the city boys and girls

One of the many projects set up of "micro-seasons," included in the program of change Salsomaggiore, relates to the theme of "City of the boys and girls."
We believe that an urban environment fit for children is perfect for everyone's life, large and small, public or tourists.
addition to the liveability, however, Salty could play an important card and bet on the wings as a young economic recovery. The starting point is that a child visiting a city is always accompanied by their parents, automatically multiplying the number of admissions.
To accommodate this particular target as best our region has considerable strengths such as the Baths (Tabiano in particular, for its characteristics), a very green and pleasant urban environment, an area rich in nature, a good kitchen.
E 'But we must expand the actions in this direction and to characterize Salty as a true "City of Children", perhaps by concentrating activities in two to three months (in specific issues related to the seasons).
Extend pedestrian areas is the first step, but at the same time specific events should be prepared to meet the needs of children and the whole family.
The city's parks and recreation centers could host workshops daily, and should also increase the availability and quality of equipment in the playground. The entertainment during the hours a day, should be constant, making sauce in a city of fairy tale, full of references to characters loved by children. Traders may offer windows decorated for the theme, restaurateurs and hoteliers would do their part with special menus, rich in references to worlds of fantasy, fairy tales and stories. On weekends you could concentrate the most intense moments, with children's theater, film screenings, themed role-playing games live, and so on.
In their day, the children would be able to make important spa, then enjoy the fairytale town (including visits to nearby castles and natural parks), while the parents there would be no opportunity to visit the area ( wineries and local produce) or to relax with the proposals of the spas. Although sport can play an important part in this model city, with tournaments and games of various disciplines and guided bike rides to discover our beautiful landscape.
Besides the specific activities aimed at children could also develop initiatives dedicated to the industry, with training sessions (teachers, educators, cultural) or in-depth technical sciences (psychology, pediatric medicine, etc.)..
A mix of environment, entertainment, spa, health club, play: a main theme sauce can change the face for 2-3 months a year, becoming a single point in Italy in the reception of boys and girls. A dream city, a city of fairy tale, where all economic operators work together following a common goal.
The coordinating role of the project can be done by the Agency for Tourism (quoted in Salsomaggiore Change program) to merge the activities of all stakeholders, employers' associations to people, play the important work of marketing .
It 'featuring Salsa with innovative ideas that can start the recovery, both cultural and economic impact of our city, finding new ways of working (bringing together the forces) and a critical mass around new projects.