Tuesday, September 30, 2008
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Some items make us fear that in the coming months will re-open the season of "shooting" at La Sapienza. Sport long since, and now may take on new force if the goal is also embodied by the protagonists who are preparing to govern.
is that we can not do much but it is useful to think about now and decide how to deal with the situation. Not to mention: not we would have never imagined .
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Bresciani 6.5: Limits the liability with the miracle on Skins
Bertola And 6: Average time between a first and a disastrous second time convincing
Bertoli 4.5 : his two errors arise from the two goals of Palosco , the worst performance since its inception I think Uncle
Orlandi SV
Sanger 5.5: fails to impress as the game dell'Arx and has not yet reached the optimum shape
Lorenzi 5 : insecure since first minute, even the most elementary mistakes
5.5 Passera: completely to forget the first time
Cats 6: It is the only one who tries to hurt the opponent's defense in the left lane
Invernizzi SV
Foresti 5.5: The seasonal debut could certainly be better
Filippini SV
Rob Bertola5.5: fails to start its run in no way deadly
Silvia Briccoli Bati 5.5 : never in the game
Cortesi 5.5: how to attack his companion to do anything today
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Step back boys who play one of the ugliest games in their history and forgiveness with merit against a Palosco ordered and that was able to take advantage of the opportunities that are presented mainly in the first half.
Bad defense, bad and ugly attack midfield, the only ones to escape in my opinion Bresciani in the door and Cats on the left.
'm still convinced it was just a bad day, and that the children will be able to get back on track as early as next Sunday.
Quiet guys, because in the first two games have proven to be alive and has not been a case.
Monday, September 29, 2008
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Friars and his enthusiastic supporters asked to close with a full result this second round. In a few days we will know whether the electorate will be content.
We think that having a strong chancellor authoritative because it is different from asking a candidate because authoritative strong. This issue of force is a "reflection order "that this election campaign and brothers themselves do not deserve. It 's true that this view is also shared by many teachers and many faculty (see the case all those who did not participate in the electoral debate), but does not seem right that precisely this idea constitutes the gloss of this beautiful experience.
Go vote and then you bring your beliefs. It will not be the result of Friday, that will change the world.
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It seems that the wind is not a mere rustle of frond . Continue to blow for a change of mentality and understanding of participation in public affairs.
Avallone and Marietta have written their own declarations of renunciation with (all) obvious knowledge that you are not repositories of packages vote but only of ideas and proposals. Avallone may rightly , claim that it brought new ideas and new ways of communication and dialogue with voters and candidates . We would add: after him was a plethora of programs 100 days, the political role of the university and the Chancellor, sensitive attention to issues of university work, all themes of the teacher and taken from all the others. And Marietta, in all this, also added his brilliant style of the teacher who sees the world outside with yeast having studied a lot of its internal mechanisms.
Orlandi and Campanella, perhaps with a more academic language (and for us darker), withdraw his candidacy for continue the path for the election of the Rector, outside of electoral competition and write about enlightened vision which serves to govern the complexity of the challenge that awaits us .
then remain in the running - if we understand - the Friars, and Vestron Zuliani, latter with the aim - quite acceptable - still leaving space and time for further reflection involving those who have since withdrawn their application.
Update: [30.09.2008] In the display of voting booths are even the names of Orlandi and Campanella
Sunday, September 28, 2008
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Saturday, September 27, 2008
The election campaign has touched levels political game. rally in full-scale, pro election made a go-go , seductive attitude of the teacher-candidate. The newspapers and politicians not have understood a lot and maybe even some teacher. Even specialists in statistical thought that the high turnout could be an omen for the result dramatically reversed in favor of the opponents of the Friars, a perspective disappointed by the result of full professor of Medicine.
Some articles published in this period have tried to fan the flames but the wind was blowing somewhere else. We never miss anything, even a small dose of subcutaneous grillismo that - fortunately - has not caught on.
were open wide the doors to professional bodies, political, scientific and academic widely differing researchers, women, pacifists , Federated universities and of course students. About the latter, we note that the corresponding representations of right and left have ridden the wave of media by a bit 'of guerrilla marketing . A dispatch
UIL told us to vote, while the Friars CISL invited him to a challenging conference. CGIL, and COBAS CISAPUNI not received.
civilization came in the elections, hundreds of people sitting and relaxed, they waited for the computer to calculate the ratings. The final applause for the winner of the first round (or "liberating" or "bad" against opponents) was the right culmination of this great day.
Great confusion in the sky so the situation is excellent. Elegant
retreats and want to go through. All evidence of its commitment to the university.
Friday, September 26, 2008
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At this point, the 7 teachers should withdraw their applications and - together - to honor the joyous war machine Professor Brothers. The team
anti-Friars (rather than a metaphysical category) could be expressed clicking 'code 0' (white card).
disappointing results? It 'been elected dean of medicine (you know that news!).
But the importance of this election is not in the results but the change of format in the quest for representation and the government of a university. That this change in format has contributed statistics, doctors, physicists, engineers, chemists and psychologists and communicators, sociologists, political scientists, architects, economists, lawyers, philosophers and humanists is a question which we do not know an answer .
Anyway, let them reflect and - for now - let's enjoy this great moment of democracy.
Update [27/09/2009]: AGI A statement, published on yahoo.it , Avallone shows the decision to withdraw its application without giving any indication as to vote Marietti Martinelli and direct their votes on who Zuliani decided to run against the Friars.
[21:30 h]: Marietti retires and wishes to all Good Rector
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are the classical results that can be explained depending on where you place the bar: Friars did against huge competitors to achieve a consensus , failed the goal of being elected in the first round . Orlandi is far from a useful, scored a resounding success considering its "distance" from the government of Wisdom , Zuliani was honored for his high profile management, few votes for an alternative , Avallone is the true partner / opponent of the friars, too far with his head in head ...
And we could continue.
- The results page (from www.uniroma1.it)
- mini-review (aggiornamento. ..)
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Electronic voting is wonderful. This system is the traditional one (Indelible pencils, party representatives, exhausting the vote count, an army of scutatori Presidents of seat etc..) As a meal in a restaurant is comfortable for a standing buffet (with - among other things - the anxiety that someone you rub your dishes).
The only downside is that - of course - a single seat forces you to stretch the election (3 ½ days are really a lot) with a train inevitable the election campaign.
The rest is really something else.
Update: Information on the website of Wisdom
Thursday, September 25, 2008
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An interesting article finally appeared in the Corriere della Sera today signed by Gioacchino De Chirico. Reading the article adds much to what we have tried to portray in recent months.
La Sapienza has sent signals "corresponding" to the state of our universities (one academic too old, the need for direction management, too much attention to issues of power) but, in this election, it also captures new messages and hope the high voter turnout, the attempt to revive a body numb and bring elements of participation . The difference could make the appearance of personal styles that could correspond to different styles of government.
that wisdom is sending signals to civil society is also our conviction. The full article
[Corriere della Sera "La Sapienza, the difference is in style September 25, 2009]
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From a flyer
(...) In view of the candidates who have proposed to the Rector UIL PA-UR identifies the current Vice Chancellor Prof. Luigi Frati Vicar personality having the characteristics mentioned above and, therefore, the right person at the right time, to put Summit of Wisdom to achieve the ambitious and modern electoral program proposed. The Secretary-General (...)University Aldo Simeoni (September 16, 2008)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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The university leaders of the PRC Communist party and the Party of Italian Communists (Fabio de Nardis and Vito Francesco Polcaro) sign a statement where they expect the candidates to express their critical opinion on the draft disposal University public proposed by the Government and not "governance" (= authority, domination, corporate governance), the University as "holding" and "mission" of "international standing" .
not that here is a distinguished professor of the Party of Italian Communists who can explain to classmates what it has been said in this campaign?
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answers of some candidates to the letter of some teachers posted on the Forum ( La Sapienza women? ). We thought that the gender studies they matter more to the professor that Professor Ratzinger brothers. But let's assume our
Our ignorance and confusion.
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BERTOLA MAT 6: inactive for the second straight game as a spectator makes his companions
BERTOLA AND 8: defends and attacks like the old days, but with a valuable innovation that is the goal that unlocks the meeting
BERTOLI 7.5: once on his lane opponent saw a few, are now gone canceled by lefty
FORESTI 7.5: the captain is now also in assists as
LORENZI 7: It seems, after ten months, she had forgotten Santo Domingo with great sorrow for his opponents
FLUKE 7: again a brilliant try for Paul. Thumbs up
CATS 6.5: the baby begins to show off phenomenon dell'Arx its numbers, as with the person at service Cortesi
Sanger 7: started well, roads going better, embellishing the season with yet another goal all'Ambrosini
BERTOLA ROB 6.5: likely to play even with the handbrake on. Think about when you take away
BRICCOLA 7: Goals and assists for his specialty in the Bomber nostrano
VEDOVATO 6.5: magic box comes and stamps on the first appearance
CORTESI 8.5: should be used to demolish a tank, the problem is that him, the tank eats them for breakfast peering at the photo hanging in the kitchen of Gilardino
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Game, set, match. Result
tennis to celebrate the victory of the blue, Davis against Latvia, and to remember that this year the team is really tough.
Four goals in forty-five minutes, five different scorer.
Mamma mia. A sign
Cortesi twice, Briccola, Sanger, Bertola A and Vedovati.
I begin to fear.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
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Nobody accused of practicing the technique of extremists on both sides, but we must point out - after personal concerns in front of the sit-in protest student movement of - another initiative of the students : AN's youth denounce the falsehood of these elections (the press the Coordination of Action University of Rome). Even in this case (without considering the merits of the case) we find that nothing less than challenge the legality of a vote in the polls open, a practice is unusual to say the least serious. Again we do not want considerations character of "media" (to take advantage of the interest of newspapers these days) have prevailed over the usual procedures to contest "any omissions or inclusions that are inappropriate in the list" provided by the electoral rules. In short, we are still there: the rules and peaceful exercise of democracy. That's it.
Update [25/09/2008]: Massimo Giusti 's Press Hon. Fabio Rampelli writes: Action University did not use the electoral commission, only one complaint in the press. Sincerely
Monday, September 22, 2008
Strangling And Orgasams
With some unease read the protest of tomorrow by groups called Anomaly Sapienza, Network for Self-training , Coordination of collective against the operation of government and to ask the candidate's commitment to stop teaching.
We are hopelessly liberal but we do not like the idea that a democratic act as either the proscenium of the elections a political demonstration. We understand the opportunity situationist but we think the Democratic liturgy will be spared. The issue is not to determine the legitimacy of the vote (which by the way the students do not deny absolutely): when a "people" (citizens, workers, voters, take your pick) goes to vote freely, "politics" should be stop. The voter must approach the voting booth with the greatest serenity and joyful awareness of doing something important.
I think this is also the meaning of "electoral silence" silence some will chose to ignore, perhaps thinking it was a practice obsolete and anachronistic.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
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At this height, the campaign has said all he had to say. Yet another rally, another emphatic "I promise that if I am elected ..." and the saturation level of the voters will peak. It 'clear that those who decided not to change his mind and those who chose to stand at the window will continue to do so. There seems
Orlandi, which summarizes the situation well and raises the forum (on the blog ) its intentions and, spurred by Daniel Pluchino of unimagazine.it about possible alliances, he replied: after the first vote, will determine the conditions because you recompose the picture ... ... [...] Let's see. It depends very much on voters .
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Sometimes a photograph is important what is excluded from view. And in the picture these days, crowded with characters, there is no prof. Renato Guarini.
Today we speak commonly of pride and collegiality in decision-making, many have re / found the strength to respond to the curious conventio media attack aimed at the largest university Italian.
The credit for this - for much - is Professor Guarini.
I remember one of the first public appearances, a demonstration in support of the feline community of Wisdom. I admit that was a little 'puzzled, then I understood. A rector must be near the same time, teachers and students Gattari and super Baron bearer of funding, and prestige of votes. Untamed
in pursuing a sense of community and identity of Wisdom is not backed off an inch even in the face of accusations that have rocked a Mahatma .
Then there is the invitation to the Pope, which we have already written . It was said that was a communication error, a political mistake, naivete. Maybe. But we can not fail to recall that among our graduates We already have a pope of the modern era (John Paul II) and that when in 2000 they celebrated the great and solemn event of Christianity in a public university no appeal, no voice - even whispered - stood up to affirm the secular nature of knowledge .
We are not even remotely able to judge the work of the professor, just think that history will undertake to prove that it was a great Renato Guarini Rector.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
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put aside - for a moment - the verve Asor controversy. From the perspective of academic politics, the reasoning of the professor is flawless (on the other hand, we would have surprised to the contrary). On the one hand, there are candidates who represent the continuity under the previous management (Avallone, Edward Arnold, and especially the friars) and then there are others: Campanella, Martinelli, Orlandi, Vestron and Zuliani. The cold logic says that whoever gets the most electoral votes wins. To beat the Friars should oppose a plank of his equally formidable: Science and Engineering. Translated into "numbers": the votes of the President of AST (Guido Martinelli) and those of the Dean of Engineering (Fabrizio Vestron). Around this axis can be constructed and consent of the other faculties of the other candidates excluded from the pact .
What does not work in this reasoning? The impression that this vote expresses a joint political richer and more than Academic intuit the shrewd and complaints. The assessment of the previous management
Guarini is not so clear. Positive and negative reviews are evenly distributed both among those who belonged to both of who he was - even brutally - excluded. Listen and read the candidates' answers on this subject (believe teachers are not use to practice courtesy institutional when it comes to judging their colleagues).
instances of the various candidates and the abstention of many active faculty show that electoral promises and exchanges are much more fluid and to be defined. Then maybe the polls
brutalize / simplify all the options - but for now this is so, and - For Wisdom - a good thing.
read the Manifesto that tests for the medical professions was cited an article by prof. Asor. Of course this article replication Friars, have nothing to do with the interview with Republic yesterday. I think.
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Thrust Asor polemic on the current alliance of power to Wisdom: the important thing is not to become rector friars and all those that mark (and demand) going with the current management. The professor hopes an alliance of Martinelli and Vestron. Now, who tells him to Orlando to give up the nomination and election Zuliani the tandem with Martinelli?
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Therefore, the Friars would like to bang and get a quorum on the first ballot but did not come to terms (with
article published today, with great precision and assertive look - a bit 'silly as you read the article, informs us that:
Medicine to hundreds of people (!) Said they did not vote for president Friars (better have professed their opposition ). More voters (tens? Hundreds?) - Urn in secret - do not vote. A
Sciences the vote is divided between Martinelli and Campanella (so that agrees with those who are in pole position ) and taking the vows Avallone also Psychology 1 and Psychology 2 , but - not excluded - that small groups of Engineering be directed to the Friars, and Zuliani Avallone. So, removing this "small group" of engineers, the rest of my colleagues will vote right: Edward Arnold, Orlandi and (most) of the principal Vestron. The rest
( Architecture, Law, Sociology , Communication Sciences and Faculty of Humanities vote Zuliani ( presumably says Republic) , but will decide after the first ballot. Zuliani rely on presumptive accession of these powers and is strong in Economics and Statistics ( even if the measures are very difficult (sic) to quantify admits the journalist).
not over. There are cross votes, those who voted for conviction and free programs for reading simply: if so, all this counted for faculty "would be useless. How to read this article.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
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Professor. Bartholomew Azzaro We will send the document Researchers at the University La Sapienza in the election of the new Rector (Draft to be approved in the Assembly of Scientists of the next September 17, 2008). To facilitate reading, we published the document along with the first responses candidates.
Monday, September 15, 2008
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BERTOLA MAT 6: little used by attackers opponents, in my opinion is still lagging condition
BERTOLA AND 6.5: not often seen in attack, even in its corridor because the pull does not seem to need help; in defense looms
Bertoli 6.5: I like Leonidas at Thermopylae, resist procurategli shots from opponents and comrades, remaining stoically in the field, and offering the usual convincing evidence
FORESTI 6.5: the foot must be registered in the conclusions and launches, but we are sure that he is leaving the dish for the season finale as last year we have become accustomed
LORENZI 7: the competition is good, fight for every ball like a lion, and gives us incredible recoveries. Kill Bill
PASS 6.5: behind the peace, order the defense without too many hitches
CATS 6: The guy has numbers, but probably now have to pay the price of onset
Sanger 6.5: physically distant relative of the admired last year, makes up for with experience and position the flaws athletic
CORTESI 7: Memory of Daniele Massaro, Providence, enter a handful of minutes from the end and marking the goal that puts the stamp on the parcel of the three points . ROB
BERTOLA 6.5: we have checked the mileage from the guy: 123. Roby do not get down you're still lagging condition, you will see the end of October for the 400 will reach them as nothing
BRICCOLA 7: withdraws the range of ten meters and dispenses Catilinarian Bariano entire defense. Two go to the hole sign and applauds.
RAMA 7: debut goal, with the first goal of the season for the team for the neoacquisto who has a desire for redemption from skin Poia. I was in opponents worry about it. Ca de Leca
MYTHS 'OF THE DAY: The mystery that the sound of a distant train turns instinctively toward the direction of the whistle. Call of the Wild.
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Luckily, we were given cross-section of 'Eco di Bergamo.
wonder if favorable prognosis ...
Okay, different category, same result, and victory.
You could start with the fairer spinster, with a two to zero outside, risking almost nothing. Match
stingy in the first half of emotions, if we do not consider the occasionissima of Silvia Briccoli Bati after thirty seconds, with the two teams busy in the studio.
obvious who did better on the books in the field of calcium of Bariano was the Arx, in the question of the second half when he brought home a good test, with a promotion with flying colors thanks to the two responses of Rama and Cortesi, however, suggested last bench of the class to Silvia Briccoli Bati. Too bad for
Barianese, who wanted to celebrate the rapid construction of the subway train with a win.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
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RAMA - MISTER: 10 votes
Largely Dell'Orto, that a man of experience of the team last night, when everyone was determined to make the room account on Via San Giovanni Bosco five beers medium, mindful of the business chamber sghizzi, with a tail strike decides to put on your room, like a true Paraculo, trying to secure a place in the team.
CORTESI - Mud: God vote bedroom
The precision with extravagance, with the quiet madness, mix that all couples should have
It 's the perfect couple, with Fangio, who was smoking hiding from the roommate, but by blowing the smoke alarm several times.
E 'room of the little respect, as when Fangio went to town with the keys left in the cold, dark night a good Court. The unpredictability
room, where the proportion of "healthy" on the last evening of the couple, wrong plan, enter Angelino's room, waking him and asking him why he was asleep in his bed.
One minor problem: Fangio to vote for the character 10, 0 vote for the relationship with the female, given the fact that you and bull for two days, saying it had engaged a minor parruccchiera, and a shirker; rumors argue that the hairdresser has been secluded at the end with the Court.
DANI - MORGANA - Umby: Umby without voting
Unlike voting Morgana thousand. The vote to
Dany: a thousand. Mille
because we finally discovered that the real president of the team, the truth behind all the shunter corporate decisions is the wife of Umberto.
BRICCO - PAULINE: five voting
The only single room and then the vote is divided by two.
Why single? Because the full mid-afternoon lunch, and dinner in the evening from mid to late at night, Pauline suddenly disappeared over the phone.
Regarding Briccola, insidacabilmente decided that the room was too small for a man with 24 goals per season, so you are invited himself in the bathroom of the Imperial suite on the fourth floor.
DELL'ORTO - Skinny - CHINELLE: 15 votes
In the first half of the living room of tranquility, very clean.
Robert was presented with two suitcases, Dick, and he has placed the order with large closet.
arrival of the fire Magri disorder, clothing everywhere
To note the raid last night, when Chinelli after drinking 15 ceres (hence the vote in the House), was woken up by a mob of manners abrupt team (including Sghizzi, who urged the president immediately after it is presented by Chine We apologize for the despicable act a thousand times using the following expression: "Sorry Dani!")
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
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Top transcripts true seasonal antipasto of those who matter most in remainder of the season.
concern a four-day took a couple of weeks ago in the mountains, and were written in six hands from 'professional' Dell'Orto, by the 'amateur' myself, and the "fool" Bricco.
This is the first part:
MILANI - Mattavelli: 4
is the most elegant rooms with the physical dry Milo, Arx spring 2008 as a model, who always sports the uniform of the company and not with great class, portierino young to late teens who began this unlikely with the bright colors mixed with the general drabness of white shirts, for these features Lettuce is known as the group
Foresti - Barbagli: 110 cum laude
to enter their room you need at least a master's degree thesis and revised for the second: is the chamber of the culture. The
Sisso said that entering the two has found reading a book apiece, and then he's gone to their heels, shocked.
CICI - SISS: 110 cum laude with a kiss on the mouth
E 'love the room with us, the couple, the most reliable home and, while the woman Sisso a bit' cheeky, a bit 'of easy virtue.
Legend has it that there has been a lot of fun during the stay and that Sissi is madly in love with his roommate, the two in fact the third miss of the season while on the playing fields. Evidently
have already booked in Venice.
Ciccioni Nicknamed the room, because together they are still underweight (ed the pounds would not attain the weight of Dell'Orto) large movements of the two, the Philippines on the dance floor, showing off fake Angelino Cristiano Ronaldo deserve the best.
flaw: the room was reinforced by the obvious good flatulence created by Filippini, so much so that Angelina has been fitted with special gas masks to survive.
Bertoli - INVERNIZZI: 43
E' room of the bitter, but it is also the room after dinner;
It 's the mash last room before going to bed, which of course neither of them drank, but that the rest of the team. Great Room
supporter Pauline, who has invented the first day to put all the extras in room number 43.
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Friendly in Milan for our brave men; Sgambati before the start of the season that will be involved in the Arx Sunday 14 Bariano.
game with two faces, with an excellent first time (our leading 3 to 0 in maximum agility) and a second time, less significant, with the complicity of the many changes and the imbalance caused by these within the team.
I like the team: we'll see the proof of 9, 14.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
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First real game of the season, a prestigious friendly against a team of Verdelho, and first team victory of Rama, which is well worth seeing the opening of the second-class league, showcasing the freshness of newcomers, and safety of the old guard.
Nothing quite exciting, it is clear, especially given the friendly match, but it's a game that is served and will serve in projection Championship 2008/2009, no doubt.
For the record, the three goals were scored by Rama, Foresti and Invernizzi.
Now Grezzago Sunday, always friendly.